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We ensure

Efficient and stable
and stable
electricity supply

Real-time analysis and risk forecasting to optimize grid operations.


We see unprecedented challenges to the electricity grid

We are currently witnessing unprecedented challenges to the electricity grid. The growing electrification of households and industries, coupled with the effects of climate change and natural disasters, as well as the increasing variability in energy production, are placing significant stress on all components of the grid.


The transmission grid plays a pivotal role in realizing a future driven by affordable and abundant clean energy. 


However, transmission grid owners are now confronted with the need for multi-trillion-dollar investments in the coming decades, all while the complexity of the grid is on the rise. The traditional methods of operating this critical infrastructure are no longer adequate to address these evolving challenges.


Our technology is as unique as it is brilliant

Promaps provides you with holistic, real-time insights essential for efficiently operating your grid and preparing it for the ongoing energy transition. Our probabilistic risk management solution helps identify and mitigate risks within your system, allowing you to capitalize on future opportunities more swiftly.

Leveraging big data and a digital twin of your power system, in concert with proprietary mathematic modeling, we calculate the anticipated energy that will not be delivered. Our proprietary software employs Markov models to continuously enhance your risk management capabilities and harness technological advancements.

Our goal is to be your trusted partner in managing all aspects of your grid operations.

Software features encompass:

  • Data APIs can connect Promaps technology to operations systems / digital twin platform, and third-party data like weather data
  • Real-time probabilistic risk calculations of your power system
  • Failure probability for each component, branch and system
  • Risk for loss of load in MWh/h for each load and the whole system
  • Web-based operational dashboard for intuitive live reports and overall system status
  • Model scenarios and test risk mitigation actions and strategies on a digital twin of your power system


“Get real-time insights into the state of the power supply. Quantify your power system’s current and future risk level. Make calculated decisions on the uncertainty you face in supplying stable energy.”

Solutions for a new energy landscape

Infinigrid has developed software through extensive R&D projects in cooperation with our customers.

product preview 1
Promaps Real-Time

Simulation tool for calculation of probability for failure in power systems, including component, branch, system and power delivery reliability.


The simulation tool combines a flow model of the power system with reliability models of each component in the system. Provides operations central with a list of critical components in real time.  

product preview 2
Promaps Grid Maintenance and Emergency Preparedness

Prioritizing which components to maintain based on impact component has had on the power system.


Calculate risk level and connected cost the system will be exposed to during the maintenance period

product preview 3
Promaps Re-investment and Investment Planning
Prioritize re-investment plans – where, when and what?

Calculate improvement in risk level and connected reduced cost based on new components’ impact on the total system.

See the whole picture, including the effect of smart grid technology, the effect of inclusion of renewable production, battery storage and more.
product preview 4

By using either existing Promaps Realtime models as base case or establishing new ones for new costumers, we can make detailed reports that can be used as a basis for investment planning, operation tuning or give other valuable insights in your power grid.


We are enabling the transition to a sustainable, clean and electric future

Promaps is committed to contribute to the UN SDGs. We have a specifically strong impact on the below SDGs:

Affordable and clean energy
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action
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We are experts

in power systems, mathematics, optimization, software architecture, and software development.
We have several years of experience in software development, analysis, and risk management of power systems.

Robert Nyiredy


Arne Brufladt Svendsen

Founder and CTO

Max M. Hofer

CFO & Chairman

Endre Brask Grønmyr

COO & Board member


Since our inception, we have been working hard on having a positive impact through our work. We are convinced that further digitalization and improved operations of the electricity grid is key to a sustainable future for our society, powered by green, abundant and cheaper energy. We are pushing the boundaries of established beliefs.


We are committed to integrating general principles such as human rights, workers’ rights, trade union freedom, environmental protection, and anti-corruption into all our activities.

We consistently strive to create sustainable value for our customers, employees, and the broader society in which we operate. All our employees are dedicated to upholding these principles in their daily interactions with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.


We adhere to the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct in all of our operations. This commitment enables us to attract, recruit and retain great people, develop the best solutions for our customers and partners, and build long-lasting and trusting relationships with our commercial partners and customers.


We have a zero-tolerance policy against corruption and comply with anti-corruption laws.


Going forward, we will implement comprehensive tracking of our environmental impact.


Want to learn more?

Get more information about our products and see how our expertise can help your company.
Contact us by phone or email.

Bergen Norway

Kanalveien 5

5068 Bergen



Arne Brufladt Svendsen (CTO)

Phone: +47 9864 3229

Oslo Norway

Kongens gate 6

0153 Oslo



Robert Nyiredy (CEO)

Phone: +47 4064 3232


© 2023 Infinigrid AS.

Kristján Pétursson

Position: Lead Power System Analyst

Degree: M.Sc in Electrical Power engineering

Kristján Pétursson has a over 10 years of experiances with power system modeling and analysis. Focusing on Load flow, transient, stability & harmonic, risk and reliability.


Prior to joining the Promaps Technology team, Kristján has broad experiance working with Promas Software from his time at Goodtech.


He has an B.Sc.E.E, Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern Denmark, and a Masters degree from DTU – Technical University of Denmark.

Terje Gjengedal

Position: Professor UIT

Degree: Power systems

Terje got his Phd in 1987, and then became a researcher and associate professor at NTH. He has been a professor at NTNU, Narvik University College, the University of Agder and at the NMBU at Ås. He has been guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota and employed as senior researcher in ABB.


Previously, Terje has been in charge of Statkraft’s development department for hydro- and wind power. He has been R&D Director of Statnett and CEO of SFE. He is now a professor at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway.

Martin Groh

Position: Lead System Architect
Degree: B.Sc in Informatic

Martin has a background in programming and systems design from HiB, and University of Bergen.


Martin has since 2004 had several positions as lead programmer and head of development. In where he has been responsible for design and implementation for a variety of systems, spanning from industrial robots control to power-plant data distribution.

Martin has been involved in the development of Promaps since 2011.

Trond Tollefsen

Position: Lead Methodologist

Degree: M.Sc in Cybernetics

Trond has a M.Sc. in Cybernetics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2009.


Trond has since 2009 worked with development of the Promaps methodology. He has also responsible for the developed Promaps Opra, a software package for risk assessments of flare systems.


Trond’s area of expertise is reliability assessment methodology and developing of novel mathematical algorithms.

Ingrid Honve

Position: Lead Scientific Programmer

Degree: M.Sc in Informatics

Ingrid has a master in Optimization from the University of Bergen from 2002.


Ingrid has worked 10 years as a researcher at SINTEF Energy AS, developing decision tools for production planning. The last four years Ingrid has been working as a Senior Consultant at Webstep AS as part of the Promaps Realtime development team, first at Goodtech and then Promaps Technology AS

Arne Brufladt Svendsen

Position: CEO

Degree: M.Sc in Electrical Power engineering

Arne has a M.Sc. in Electrical Power engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2002. Arne’s main focus has since 2004 been the development of the risk and reliability methodology for complex power system regularity studies and for for the analysis tool Promaps, the last 5 years the development of Promaps Realtime including weather influence and commercialization of the technology.


Main interest: by use of extensive simulation getting better insights into the inherent property of power system. Use this insight to calibrate power system decisions.